Plasmodium cynomolgi antigen was used for assessment of the effects on detection of antibodies to P. vivax in serum samples from vivax malaria patients in co-endemic areas of vivax and falciparum malaria infections by IFA test. 用Pc抗原对间日疟和恶性疟混合流行区的间日疟患者血样进行间接荧光抗体(IFA)试验,以评价其替代Pv抗原检测抗间日疟原虫抗体的效用。
Study on the Oocyst of Plasmodium cynomolgi with SEM 食蟹猴疟原虫卵囊扫描电镜研究
Effects of antibody level and parasitemia of sporozoite-induced infection of Plasmodium cynomolgi strain B on gametocyte infectivity to mosquitoes 猴疟B株感染后猴抗体水平与虫血症对蚊媒感染情况的观察
Experimental relapses of Plasmodium cynomolgi 食蟹猴疟原虫复发实验报告
Scanning electron microscopic observations were made of the sporogonie stages of9-14 day infections of Plasmodium cynomolgi in Anopheles stephensi. 本研究对实验感染食蟹猴疟原虫后9、10和14天的斯氏按蚊阳性蚊胃,进行扫描电镜观察。
Various Effect of Collecting Blood in Three Different Methods of Anticoagulation on the Activity of Plasmodium Cynomolgi B Strain ′ s Gametes 三种抗凝法取血对食蟹猴疟原虫B株配子体活力的影响
Antibody was detected with the indirect fluorescent antibody technique in rhesus monkeys infected with Plasmodium cynomolgi. 本文报告应用间接荧光抗体(IFA)试验,检测恒河猴感染了食蟹猴疟原虫后的抗体滴度,着重探讨长期感染的原虫密度和抗体滴度消长。
Some biological characteristics of simian malaria model of Plasmodium cynomolgi& anopheles 'stephensi system and its responses to current antimalarials 食蟹猴疟原虫&斯氏按蚊系统猴疟模型的一些生物学特性和对常用抗疟药物的生物效应
Histochemical observations on the EXOERYTHROCYTIC schizont of Plasmodium cynomolgi 食蟹猴疟原虫红外期裂殖体的组织化学观察
Immunofluorescent antibody titer in rhesus monkeys of long-term infection with Plasmodium cynomolgi 用免疫荧光试验观察恒河猴长期感染食蟹猴疟原虫的抗体消长
In this paper, the activity of Plasmodium cynomolgi B strain ′ s gametes is observed in collecting blood in three different methods of anticoagulation. 使用三种抗凝法取血,观察B株猴疟配子体的活力。
Study of Specific IgM Antibody in Monkeys with Plasmodium Cynomolgi Infection 猴疟感染过程特异性IgM抗体的变化
Effect of Artesunate on the Development of Plasmodium cynomolgi in Anopheles dims 青蒿琥酯对食蟹猴疟原虫在按蚊体内发育的影响
Observation on parasite density increasing and decreasing in Macaca mulatta infected with Plasmodium cynomolgi 食蟹猴疟原虫实验感染恒河猴后原虫密度消长的观察